
Oracle quietly held a round of layoffs this week

This Spyware Data Leak Is So Bad We Can't Even Tell You About It

Japan city enlists AI to detect bullying in schools

Google Stadia is a Net Neutrality Nightmare

Sites Warn EU Users Of Just How Bad Article 13 Will Be

Why Russia will test disconnecting the entire country from the internet

Facebook Succeeded In Killing Cybersecurity Like It Did Privacy

FEMA Leaked Data From 2.3 Million Disaster Survivors

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

‘A Swiss cheese-like material’ that can solve equations: Engineering professor Nader Engheta and his team have demonstrated a metamaterial device that can function as an analog computer, validating an earlier theory about ‘photonic calculus.’

Huawei CFO had a MacBook, iPhone and iPad when she was arrested