
Sackler family: 500 cities, counties and tribes sue owners of Oxycontin maker

FCC to Cough Up $43,000 Settlement for Refusing to Turn Over Fake Comment Records

Instagram to block anti-vaccine hashtags amid misinformation crackdown

US nuclear is dying, but it produced more electricity in 2018 than ever before

Doomed Boeing Jets Lacked 2 Safety Features That Company Sold Only as Extras

Crashed Boeing planes were missing safety features that would have cost airlines extra

Facebook stored hundreds of millions of user passwords in plain text

Facebook knew of Cambridge Analytica data misuse earlier than reported

Key House chair: White House officials using personal accounts to do official work

“The whole Internet is watching.” Internet protest planned ahead of key net neutrality vote next week. Internet activists plan to make livestream of committee markup go viral to stop telecom lobbyists from gutting the Save the Internet Act with bad amendments

Anti-Muslim Hate Has Been Rampant on Reddit Since the New Zealand Shooting