
More than 130 European businesses tell the European Parliament: Reject the #CopyrightDirective

People who live near wind turbines prefer them to solar and fossil plants - The preference for wind is strong even in coal-producing states.

San Francisco moves to ban e-cigarettes until health effects known

FCC Admits in Court That It Can't Track Who Submits Fake Comments

EU regulators hit Google with €1.49 billion/US$1.7 billion fine for blocking ad rivals

For the First Time, More Americans Pay For Internet Video Than Cable or Satellite TV

More password leaks from Gnosticplayers. Grand total: 836 million records. This is scary: “few of the companies seemed to be aware they’d been breached until contacted for confirmation by journalists”....

Amazon's Rekognition software lets cops track faces: Here's what you need to know

Kickstarter’s staff is unionizing

Firefox now blocks auto playing audio and video

Firefox 66 arrives with autoplaying blocked by default, smoother scrolling, and better search