
How 2020 presidential candidate Andrew Yang plans to restore Net neutrality

U.S. federal court jury finds Apple infringed three Qualcomm patents

Most Android Antivirus Apps Are Garbage

UK's air-breathing rocket engine set for key tests - The UK project to develop a hypersonic engine that could take a plane from London to Sydney in about four hours is set for a key demonstration.

Online 'Reputation Management' Company Brags About Abusing Copyright Law To Take Down Bad Reviews

We'll go after big tech if necessary because DC is doing nothing: Arizona attorney general

Google faces third EU antitrust fine next week: source

Renewable energy reduces the highest electric rates in the nation

'Hate is way more interesting than that': Why Algorithms can't stop toxic speech online

Tech giants do not face enough competition, new report says

Facebook is rapidly losing millennials, US user base down 15 million since 2017