
Wikipedia picture of the day on March 14, 2019: The head of an...

Amazon removes books promoting autism cures and vaccine misinformation

Spotify went all out on Apple’s anti-competitive behavior with a new website

T-Mobile Reveals More Location Data Abuse Following Questions from Senator Wyden - “It is now abundantly clear that you have failed to be good stewards of your customers’ private location information,” Senator Wyden wrote in a letter addressed to AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, and Verizon.

Google knows where you live, work and your ‘secret interests’, new ‘Shadow Profile’ report says

Tumblr lost almost 100 million site visits one month after porn ban.

Germany will set own security standards, Merkel says after US warning on Huawei

Mozilla launches Firefox Send, a free, encrypted file-sharing service

IBM didn’t inform people when it used their Flickr photos for facial recognition training

DuckDuckGo CEO & Founder's Testimony Before the United States Senate

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey praises, appears on podcast of anti-vaccine fitness personality