
Zuckerberg’s So-Called Shift Toward Privacy - Facebook is happy to protect user data when doing so decreases the company’s civic responsibilities — but not when it threatens advertising revenue.

Smart alarms left 3 million cars vulnerable to hackers who could turn off motors

If We're Going to Break Up Big Tech, We Shouldn’t Forget Big Telecom

China bars millions from travel for ‘social credit’ offenses

Cryptography experts are already laughing at 'Facebook Coin'

Citrix says its network was breached by international criminals

Facebook removes fake accounts that tried to stir hate and political division in the UK and Romania

Firefox to add Tor Browser anti-fingerprinting technique called letterboxing

House to FCC's Ajit Pai: Your record-keeping may violate federal law - The House Energy and Commerce Committee wants to know how the FCC handles electronic records like emails, texts and social media posts.

Chelsea Manning jailed after refusing to testify about WikiLeaks

A Thorium-Salt Reactor Has Fired Up for the First Time in Four Decades