
German Data Privacy Commissioner Says Article 13 Inevitably Leads to Filters, Which Inevitably Lead to Internet "Oligopoly"

Windows 10 Shouldn’t Upload Encryption Keys to Microsoft, Privacy Watchdog Says

Surprise! Facebook Low-Balled The Percentage Of Teens It Paid To Install Spyware

Facebook won’t let you opt-out of its phone number ‘look up’ setting

Scammers are impersonating Qantas and Apple via SMS, and it is 'embarrassingly easy'

As Trump and Kim Met, North Korean Hackers Hit Over 100 Targets in U.S. and Ally Nations

Wikipedia picture of the day on March 4, 2019: Diagram of the...

It's not your imagination: Ticket scalper bots are flooding the internet according this 'ere study

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

New exploit lets attackers take control of Windows IoT Core devices

Facebook's Sandberg threatened to pull investment from Europe and Canada if her demands were not met, documents say