
Skeptical of Artificial Intelligence? You Can Blame the Media This Time - Cutbacks in science and tech staffs have led to PR-driven coverage that fails to educate a public that wants to know the real story.

Facebook may face multi-billion dollar fine for Cambridge Analytica scandal

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

An agency hid Tesla crash data for nearly 2 years

TVA board votes to close coal plants despite Trump tweet

FCC chairman threatens 'regulatory intervention' if telecoms don't combat robocalls by 2020: "American consumers are sick and tired of unwanted robocalls, this consumer among them," says Ajit Pai

Facebook is thinking about removing anti-vaccination content as backlash intensifies over the spread of misinformation on the social network

Facebook Is Negotiating a Record Multi-Billion Dollar Fine for Its Privacy Problems: Report

How Taylor Swift showed us the scary future of facial recognition - Surveillance at concerts is just the beginning, as fears grow around an unregulated, billion-dollar industry

Pressure mounts on Facebook and Google to stop anti-vax conspiracy theories - ‘Repetition of information, even if false, can often be mistaken for accuracy.’

Bold Plan? Replace the Border Wall with an Energy–Water Corridor: Building solar, wind, natural gas and water infrastructure all along the U.S.–Mexico border would create economic opportunity rather than antagonism