
New video by The King of Random on YouTube

An agency hid Tesla crash data for nearly 2 years

TVA board votes to close coal plants despite Trump tweet

FCC chairman threatens 'regulatory intervention' if telecoms don't combat robocalls by 2020: "American consumers are sick and tired of unwanted robocalls, this consumer among them," says Ajit Pai

Facebook is thinking about removing anti-vaccination content as backlash intensifies over the spread of misinformation on the social network

Facebook Is Negotiating a Record Multi-Billion Dollar Fine for Its Privacy Problems: Report

How Taylor Swift showed us the scary future of facial recognition - Surveillance at concerts is just the beginning, as fears grow around an unregulated, billion-dollar industry

Pressure mounts on Facebook and Google to stop anti-vax conspiracy theories - ‘Repetition of information, even if false, can often be mistaken for accuracy.’

Bold Plan? Replace the Border Wall with an Energy–Water Corridor: Building solar, wind, natural gas and water infrastructure all along the U.S.–Mexico border would create economic opportunity rather than antagonism

Woman With Womb Transplanted From Deceased Donor Successfully Gives Birth

Hacker who stole 620 million records strikes again, stealing 127 million more