
Article 13 Was Purposefully Designed To Be Awful For The Internet; EU Moves Forward With It Anyway

Catastrophic” hack on email provider destroys almost two decades of data

Android phones can be hacked remotely by viewing malicious PNG image

U.S. judge keeps documents secret in Facebook encryption case

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Former NASA astronaut Mark Kelly is running for the US Senate in Arizona

Europe is beginning to break up Facebook's business

Google and Facebook should be regulated for news content, UK government report says.

Cell companies lied to their customers about coverage, and the government believed them - The FCC is one step closer to acknowledging they have no idea who does and doesn’t have cell reception in America.

With the recent Chinese company, Tencent, in the news about investing in Reddit, and possible censorship, it's amazing to me how so many people don't realize Reddit is already one of the most heavily censored websites on the internet.

Judge rules we can’t know about US government trying to force Facebook to decrypt Messenger calls