
Jeff Bezos Protests the Invasion of His Privacy, as Amazon Builds a Sprawling Surveillance State for Everyone Else

Tesla 'dog mode' will stop pets overheating in cars, Elon Musk says.

Wikipedia picture of the day on February 10, 2019: Small red...

Kepler beams back final image from its almost decade-long journey

Google Play caught hosting an app that steals users’ cryptocurrency

AT&T sued by Sprint, must defend decision to tell users that 4G is “5G E

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Facebook, Google and other internet platforms are creating a dystopian nightmare. It's time to wake up.

Researchers Developed a Technique to Turn Nearly a Quarter of Our Plastic Waste into Fuel

‘There’s going to be a fight here to weaken it’: Inside the lobbying war over California’s landmark privacy law

Texas bill would ban throttling in disaster areas - Over 100 net neutrality bills have been introduced in states