
EU Copyright Directive Has Been Made Even More Stupid, And Some Are Still Trying To Make It Even Worse

Teens Don't Use Facebook, but They Can't Escape It, Either

The broadband industry loves bullshit names - You’ve heard of 5G; now meet 5G E, 5G TF, and 10G

Security Researcher Assaulted Following Vulnerability Disclosure

New study reveals new and smaller CRISPR gene editor

MIT Scientists Have Announced They Can Shrink Objects Down to The Nanoscale

Reddit is raising a huge round near a $3 billion valuation

House Democrats tell Ajit Pai: Stop screwing over the public - Pai's FCC is too secretive and too beholden to corporations, Democrats say.

Facebook bans 22 more pages linked to Alex Jones.

Amazon has finally admitted to investors that it has a counterfeit problem

New video by The King of Random on YouTube