
The head of Instagram acknowledged in an op-ed Monday that the social network hasn’t done enough to protect users from content that promotes suicide and self harm

Article 13 is back on – and it got worse, not better

This undersea robot just delivered 100,000 baby corals to the Great Barrier Reef

Why data, not privacy, is the real danger. While it's creepy to imagine companies are listening in to your conversations, it's perhaps more creepy that they can predict what you’re talking about without actually listening.

Firefox taking a hard line against noisy video, banning it from autoplaying

Court tells Ajit Pai he can’t take subsidies away from Tribal residents

Google Has Quietly Dropped Ban on Personally Identifiable Web Tracking — ProPublica

Apple could pay a reward to the 14-year-old boy who found the FaceTime snooping bug

To protect users’ privacy, iOS 12.2 will limit Web apps’ access to iPhone’s sensors

How a spyware-hunting PhD student foiled a private spy over lunch—with audio of their encounter

Google has quietly dropped ban on personally identifiable web tracking.