
New video by The King of Random on YouTube

FBI charges second Apple employee with stealing autonomous car secrets

Energizer says it’s making phones with pop-up cameras, 18,000mAh batteries, and foldable displays

Unsecured MongoDB databases expose Kremlin's backdoor into Russian businesses

Why CAPTCHAS have gotten so difficult - Demonstrating you’re not a robot is getting harder and harder

With 'Nothing Less Than Fate of the Internet' at Stake, Federal Court Told Why FCC's Attack on Net Neutrality So Dangerous: "Without protecting net neutrality," broadband providers "will control the internet experiences of everyone. And that cannot be what happens."

Samsung ditches plastic packaging for 'sustainable materials'

Right to Repair Advocates Are Hosting Youtube Town Halls to Show You How to Get Involved in the Movement

Elon Musk Makes All Tesla Patents Public To Save Earth

A consumer DNA testing company has given the FBI access to its two million profiles

Judges grill FCC lawyer over net neutrality repeal