
AT&T’s Mega Mergers Are Going Poorly, And You’re Footing the Bill - Massive merger debt forced company to raise rates, only driving users to cut the cord even faster.

Snopes pulls out of its fact-checking partnership with Facebook

A new net neutrality bill is headed to Congress - Sen. Ed Markey said it’s coming ‘soon’

UltraViolet digital movie locker is shutting down

Firefox will soon warn users of software that performs MitM attacks

New study: Google manipulates users into constant tracking

Chattanooga municipal internet provider triples base level internet speeds to 300Mb/s at no additional cost in surprise announcement.

Elon Musk Releases All Tesla Patents To Help Save The Earth

Today Is a Huge Day in the Fight to Restore Net Neutrality

Firefighters join Mozilla in net neutrality fight, citing 'public safety

Reddit, Mozilla, Vimeo and 22 state attorneys general fight to save net neutrality today