
Charter will spend less on cable network in 2019 but charge customers more

Amazon’s HQ2 was supposed to be a win for New York City. Instead it has become a huge political battle. Backers of the deal underestimated the strength of the opposition to corporate subsidies.

Apple revokes Google Enterprise Developer Certificate for company wide abuse

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Facebook shouldn’t be the only 15-year-old allowed to do whatever it wants - Mark Zuckerberg broke the world and tried to cover it up. Then, he killed a goat.

Mozilla Raises Concerns Over Facebook’s Lack of Transparency

Apple is Doing More to Police Facebook Than the U.S. Government

Apple leaves Facebook offices in disarray after revoking app permissions

A handy list of ways Facebook has tried to sneakily gather data about you

Net neutrality fight returns to court

Sheryl Sandberg: The Teens 'Consented' to Putting Facebook Spyware on Their Phones