
Facebook shouldn’t be the only 15-year-old allowed to do whatever it wants - Mark Zuckerberg broke the world and tried to cover it up. Then, he killed a goat.

Mozilla Raises Concerns Over Facebook’s Lack of Transparency

Apple is Doing More to Police Facebook Than the U.S. Government

Apple leaves Facebook offices in disarray after revoking app permissions

A handy list of ways Facebook has tried to sneakily gather data about you

Net neutrality fight returns to court

Sheryl Sandberg: The Teens 'Consented' to Putting Facebook Spyware on Their Phones

A "gold standard" study finds deleting Facebook is great for your mental health | A unique study praised for its rigor finds numerous upsides to deactivating your Facebook account

Hackers Are Passing Around a Megaleak of 2.2 Billion Records

Lawmakers are furious with Facebook: ‘wiretapping teens is not research’

Youtube strikes are now being used for extortion