
Japanese government plans to hack into citizens' IoT devices - Japanese government wants to secure IoT devices before Tokyo 2020 Olympics and avoid Olympic Destroyer and VPNFilter-like attacks.

Big tech firms still don’t care about your privacy

Security Isn't Enough. Silicon Valley Needs 'Abusability' Testing

Cord-cutting trend expected to nearly double broadband-only homes in U.S. over the next five years - Broadband households without legacy multichannel expected to hit over 40 million by 2023

Facebook Moves to Block Ad Transparency Tools — Including Ours

Today’s Firefox Gives Users More Control over their Privacy

Google’s Sidewalk Labs Plans to Package and Sell Location Data on Millions of Cellphones

Apple: You can't sue us for slowing down your iPhones because you, er, invited us into, uh, your home... we can explain

Apple’s new developer guidelines signal that scammy subscription apps’ time is up

Linux Mint 19.1: A sneaky popular distro skips upheaval, offers small upgrades

"Moderate" Levels of Piracy Has Positive Impact on TV Show's Bottom Line