
Google’s Sidewalk Labs Plans to Package and Sell Location Data on Millions of Cellphones

Apple: You can't sue us for slowing down your iPhones because you, er, invited us into, uh, your home... we can explain

Apple’s new developer guidelines signal that scammy subscription apps’ time is up

Linux Mint 19.1: A sneaky popular distro skips upheaval, offers small upgrades

"Moderate" Levels of Piracy Has Positive Impact on TV Show's Bottom Line

Malware and DNS leaks discovered in top 150 free android VPN apps

Walgreens tests new tech that turns your purchases, your movements, even your gaze, into data

Instagram outage forces millions to look directly at the world for nearly half an hour

Major iPhone FaceTime bug lets you hear the audio of the person you are calling … before they pick up

DOJ: indictment details Huawei's efforts to steal trade secrets from T-Mobile and offer bonuses to staff who stole confidential information from other companies (U.S. Department of Justice) | Techneme

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 29, 2019: Passage des...