
Internet watchdog Citizen Lab targeted in comically inept undercover sting

Elizabeth Warren’s wealth tax would cost Jeff Bezos $4.1 billion in first year

Electricity-free air con: Thermoacoustic device turns waste heat into cold using no additional power

H-1B: Oracle favored hiring foreign graduates of U.S. colleges over American grads, feds allege

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 27, 2019: Panoramic view...

Transparency advocate group releases trove of hacked Russian documents

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Facebook Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp are merging and people are horrified

Facebook’s plan to merge WhatsApp, Instagram, and Messenger sounds a privacy alarm - The move to bring the messaging apps Facebook owns together in the background will lead to more data about users being shared between them.

The US is falling behind China in crucial race for AI dominance

FCC accused of colluding with Big Cable to game 5G legal challenge