
The Problem Isn't Robots Taking Our Jobs. It's Oligarchs Taking Our Power - Training for the jobs of the future keeps workers trapped as long as workers can't shape how technology is used and who profits from it

New House Judiciary Subcommittee Chair Eyes Net Neutrality Action: Pledges to work against Trump Administration efforts to 'kill' net neutrality

Ajit Pai and Republicans in Congress Helped Enable 'Bounty Hunters' to Track Your Phone

As many as 11,543 Microsoft employees got swept up in a reply-all e-mail apocalypse

15 Senators Call on FCC and FTC to Investigate How AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint Sold Phone Locations to Bounty Hunters

Net Neutrality Repeal, Evidence Shows, Is Doing None of the Good Stuff Ajit Pai and Telecom Industry Promised

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 25, 2019: TV Tower on...

Apple just dismissed more than 200 employees from Project Titan, its autonomous vehicle group

Report alleges 50% of Facebook accounts are very likely fake and Facebook is lying about the numbers

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

It's Now Clear None of the Supposed Benefits of Killing Net Neutrality Are Real - Network investment is down, layoffs abound, and networks are falling apart. This isn’t the glorious future Ajit Pai promised.