
It's Now Clear None of the Supposed Benefits of Killing Net Neutrality Are Real - Network investment is down, layoffs abound, and networks are falling apart. This isn’t the glorious future Ajit Pai promised.

'Criminals escaping justice' due to IT system

Microsoft Says China Has Blocked Bing Behind Its Great Firewall

Google Urged the U.S. to Limit Protection for Activist Workers

Renewables In Britain To Overtake Fossil Fuels By 2020

Why I’m Worried About Google - I used to trust some of its products, like Chrome. I increasingly don’t.

Millions of bank loan and mortgage documents have leaked online

Don’t trust Daily Mail website, Microsoft browser warns users

Be warned: customer service agents can see what you're typing in real time

Google's Plan to Limit Ad Blockers on Chrome Riles Developers

Ex-Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes says 'I don't know' 600+ times in never-before-broadcast deposition tapes