
Artificial intelligence applied to the genome identifies an unknown human ancestor

In the Fake News Era, Native Ads Are Muddying the Waters - Online experiment finds that less than 1 in 10 people can tell sponsored content from an article

Is it dumb that everything is "smart?"

Netflix Expected to Spend as Much as $15 Billion on Content This Year

U.S. regulators have met to discuss imposing a record-setting fine against Facebook for privacy violations

Google Maps will now display speed limits for its Android and iOS apps

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Amazon created a 'vest' that alerts robots to a human's presence

Wikipedia Co-founder: How and why I transitioned to Linux—how you can, too

x Now EVERYBODY Hates the New EU Copyright Directive

Tesla has $920 million in debt that’s coming due — and it could wipe out a large chunk of the company’s cash