
This tiny Bluetooth chip doesn’t need a battery because it harvests energy from the air

President Trump signs act that opens government data to the public into law

Marco Rubio Introduces Privacy Bill to Create Federal Regulations on Data Collection

Over 87GB of email addresses and passwords exposed in Collection 1 dump

Most users don't know Facebook keeps a list of their interests, traits - And about half say they're uncomfortable with it, says a study by the Pew Research Center.

Wikipedia picture of the day on January 17, 2019: The gates of...

Microsoft’s fonts catch out another fraudster—this time in Canada

Employee Falls for Fake Job Interview Over Skype, Gives North Korean Hackers Access to Chile's ATM Network

T-Mobile executives repeatedly stayed at Trump hotel while pushing for merger approval

Groundbreaking deal makes large number of German studies free to public

Project Alias prevents Alexa and Google from eavesdropping on you