
Tesla sued after fatal crash, accused of making “unreasonably dangerous” car - Florida passenger died when the driver crashed car at 116 mph.

The government shutdown has severely weakened cybersecurity in the US

Our Sex Toy Won A CES Robotics Innovation Award Then They Took It Back

If Your Privacy Is In The Hands Of Others Alone, You Don’t Have Any

People older than 65 share the most fake news, a new study finds

US telcos caught selling your location data again: Senator demands new laws | ZDNet

'No planet B': Sending humans to Mars isn't the answer to Earth's problems, says U.K. astronomer royal - Martin Rees says humans should focus on improving, regulating technology

Despite promises to stop, US cell carriers are still selling your real-time phone location data

Cambridge Analytica Pleads Guilty in U.K. Data Trial

DARPA wants to build an AI to find the patterns hidden in global chaos

Facebook is the new crapware