
Wikipedia picture of the day on January 7, 2019: Night view of...

China says its navy is taking the lead in game-changing electromagnetic railguns

Facebook knows how to track you using the dust on your camera

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Retired US general warns against letting China dominate 5G networks

The proof that Facebook is broken is obvious from its very modus operandi

NASA Will Be Conducting its First Real -World Test of its Planetary Defense Spacecraft: The Double Asteroid Redirection Test will take place in the next couple of years and head towards the Didymos asteroid.

Tech firm Sigfox develops tiny tracker to help fight rhino poaching

The U.S.’s Star Witness in the Qualcomm Antitrust Suit: China's Huawei

Massachusetts General's AI can spot brain hemorrhages as accurately as humans

Japanese cafe uses robots controlled by paralysed people