
Wikipedia picture of the day on January 4, 2019: An immature...

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Google shifted $23 billion to tax haven Bermuda in 2017: filing

This old coal plant is now a solar farm, thanks to pressure from local activists - In Massachusetts, one town fought to stop pollution–and ensured a just transition for workers at the coal plant.

Apple stock has dropped 38 percent in 90 days

Apple's value has lost $446 billion since peaking in October, which is greater than the total market value of Facebook (or nearly any other US company)

Ajit Pai thanks Congress for helping him kill net neutrality rules

Artificial Intelligence Can Detect Alzheimer’s Disease in Brain Scans Six Years Before a Diagnosis

Apple is basically blaming Trump’s trade war for disappointing iPhone sales in China - But that’s not the only reason people are buying fewer iPhones.

Texas has enough sun and wind to quit coal, Rice researchers say

Fight for net neutrality continues as Congress exposes its own corruption