
The Hydrogen Fuel Cell Scam — From George W. Bush & “The Big 3” To Toyota, Honda, & Japan

Tesla cuts vehicle prices by $2,000 to offset shrinking EV tax credit

TIL: Reddit, despite its “anti-doxxing” policy, uses a tracker on its website called LiveRamp, which aims to “Tie all of your marketing data back to real people, resolving identity across first-, second-, or third-party digital and offline data silos.”

Inside the Raspberry Pi: The story of the $35 computer that changed the world

Sony plans to ramp up production of depth-sensing lasers

How ‘magic angle’ graphene is stirring up physics - Misaligned stacks of the wonder material exhibit superconductivity and other curious properties.

Facebook Doesn’t Need to Fix Society. It Just Needs to Fix Facebook.

Hydrogen power: China backs fuel cell technology. "It is estimated that around 150 gigawatts of renewable energy generating capacity is wasted in China every year because it cannot be integrated into the grid. That could be used to power 18m passenger cars, says Ju Wang"

First-Ever UEFI Rootkit Tied to Sednit APT

The Government Shutdown Will Hit the FCC on Thursday If It Continues

California Could Soon Have Its Own Version of the Internet