
Artificial Intelligence Creates Realistic Photos of People, None of Whom Actually Exist

5G is Really Starting to Sound Awful

The 6 reasons why Huawei gives the US and its allies security nightmares

Did 2018 usher in a creeping tech dystopia?

Google and Amazon urged to follow Apple's 'anti-gay app ban'

A Danish startup invented underwear you can wear for weeks without washing: The special ingredient is silver, which kills 99.9% of all bacteria.

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

India Wants Tech Platforms To Break Encryption And Remove Content The Government Thinks Is "Unlawful"

'Happier without Facebook': Users who deleted the social network say they're not looking back

Australia made third highest number of requests for Apple data in the world - In the first half of 2018 Australian authorities made 2,375 requests, more than China, Singapore or the UK

Playing video games may increase your brain's gray matter and improve how it communicates