
New Documents Show That Facebook Has Never Deserved Your Trust

Net Neutrality Activists Launch “DemsAgainstThe.Net” to Call Out the Handful of Remaining Democrats in Congress who Have Chosen Telecom Hush Money Over Net Neutrality Protections

Aston Martin will make old cars electric so they don’t get banned from cities.

Wikipedia picture of the day on December 7, 2018: Dome of the...

Facial recognition has to be regulated to protect the public, says AI report

Be careful what you type in Australia. A new law will give authorities access to encrypted chats.

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Dear Tumblr: Banning "Adult Content" Won't Make Your Site Better But It Will Harm Sex-Positive Communities

AMD Radeon RX 3080 could match GeForce RTX 2070 for half the price

California officially becomes first in nation mandating solar power for new homes

Facebook CEO backed sharing customer data despite second thoughts: documents