
Australia now has encryption-busting laws as Labor capitulates

FCC chairman acknowledges Russians interfered in net neutrality debate - About half a million comments sent to the agency about the net neutrality repeal were from Russian email addresses, Ajit Pai says in a memo.

Trump’s Cybersecurity Advisor Rudy Giuliani Thinks His Twitter Was Hacked Because Someone Took Advantage of His Typo

Walmart will soon use hundreds of A.I. robot janitors to scrub the floors of US stores

With Deadline to Save Net Neutrality Days Away, Here Are the 18 Democrats Still Siding With Telecom Donors Over Open Internet

A better, more positive Tumblr

Tumblr’s porn ban is going about as badly as expected

Canada has arrested top Huawei executive on suspicion of violating Iran sanctions

Mark Zuckerberg's Biggest Problem: Internal Tensions At Facebook Are Boiling Over - “It’s the bunker mentality. These people have been under siege for 600 days now. They’re getting tired, getting cranky — the only survival strategy is to quit or fully buy in.”

Milo Yiannopoulos lasted a single day on Patreon before getting banned