
Australian government to introduce bill requiring companies add back doors to encryption

Google’s algorithms are keeping us in a political bubble, study finds

Tumblr is already flagging innocent posts as porn

Ajit Pai Says It's 'Fact' Russian Accounts Filed Net Neutrality Comments, But FCC Says Different in Court

Rudy Giuliani doesn't understand how someone "invaded" his tweet with an "anti-president" message. Before he took office, Trump named Giuliani a cybersecurity adviser.

A cybersecurity expert quit Apple and joined the ACLU to help fight government efforts to put 'back doors' in smartphones

Wikipedia picture of the day on December 5, 2018: Frozen lake...

Google personalizes search results even when you’re logged out, new study finds

Microsoft is building a Chromium-powered web browser that will replace Edge on Windows 10

New Home Solar Laws Could Triple US Solar Base By 2045

Full-frame mirrorless camera used to shoot an entire Hollywood movie