
Wikipedia picture of the day on December 4, 2018: Drinking...

Tell the Senate Not to Put the Register of Copyrights in the Hands of the President

IBM Reveals 8-Bit Analog Chip With Phase-Change Memory

Fake Putin Twitter Account Fooled More Than a Dozen Major News Outlets. It also tricked the leaders of Italy and Greece.

Tumblr will ban all adult content starting December 17th

Madrid’s ban on polluting vehicles cuts traffic by nearly 32 percent in some areas

European fibre lobby calls for end to fake fibre broadband ads

Pinned to Pic of The Day on Pinterest

Microsoft and partners have developed an AI-powered smartphone app which scans children in 3D to accurately measure their development and malnutrition - cheaper, quicker, and easier than traditional methods

More than half of your Internet traffic is ads and trackers [Internet log analysis]

Why Amazon is a ‘bully,’ and Facebook and Google are ‘the enemies of independent thought’