
GCHQ’s not-so-smart idea to spy on encrypted messaging apps is branded ‘absolute madness’

Home Routers Under Attack by NSA-Spawned Malware: What to Do

Samsung’s Foldable Screen Technology Stolen and Sold to Chinese Firms

Blockchain study finds 0.00% success rate and vendors don't call back when asked for evidence

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Marriott hack hits 500 million guests

More than 40 percent of world coal plants are unprofitable: report

Bethesda Facing Possible Class-Action Lawsuit Over Fallout 76

The Music Industry Asks US Government to Make 'Unauthorized Streaming' a Felony

Your 4K Netflix Streaming Is on a Collision Course With Your ISP's Data Caps - High-resolution video streaming is on the rise, but data caps could mean bigger bills for customers.

Google Assistant will now be nicer if you say “Please” and “Thank you”