
Facebook fake news inquiry: the countries demanding answers - Legislators from Argentina to Ireland feel the firm has failed to get a grip on the issue, and they are ready to step in

Samsung and Apple No Longer Make Up 50% of the World's Active Smartphones as Chinese Brands Grow

Sheryl Sandberg Is Said to Have Asked Facebook Staff to Research George Soros

✊ Today is an Internet-wide day of action for net neutrality ✊

After Microsoft complaints, Indian police arrest tech support scammers at 26 call centers

Emails Show Facebook Considered Charging Companies for User Data Access

'The Whole Internet Is Watching': As Deadline Nears, Day of Action Takes Aim at House Members Still Standing Against Net Neutrality

Wikipedia picture of the day on November 30, 2018: Walruses on...

ESPN Has Lost 14 Million Viewers In 7 Years Thanks To Cord Cutting

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Lenovo to pay $7.3m for installing adware in 750,000 laptops