
Data From Millions Of Smartphone Journeys Proves Cyclists Faster In Cities Than Cars And Motorbikes

Congress has refused to restore net neutrality as Dec. 10 deadline nears - There's almost no Republican support for forcing vote to restore net neutrality.

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New York labor leaders: Amazon has 'record of routinely mistreating workers' - As Amazon looks to come to town, labor leaders tore into the company’s record on worker treatment in a new report

Take Zuckerberg's name off our city's hospital, says San Francisco politician - City leader cites ‘continued scandals’, as others begin to question the reputational cost of taking philanthropic funds from Facebook

ACLU Wants Release of Secret Court Order Demanding Facebook Build Surveillance Backdoor

Facebook Considered Charging for Access to User Data

California Is Still Trying to Gag IMDb. We're Telling A New Court: Don't Let It.

Activists Make One Last Push To Restore Net Neutrality Via Congressional Review Act

Israeli Exploit Developer Caught Negotiating Spyware Sales With Saudi Government

Loot Boxes to Be Investigated by the FTC