
Fake Comments Are Plaguing Government Agencies And Nobody Much Seems To Care

Ajit Pai faces rare criticism from GOP senator on rural broadband failures

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

White House calls on Google to abandon controversial Chinese search engine project

Instagram is testing the ability to share your precise location history with Facebook - Revealed just weeks after Instagram’s co-founders left the company

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Bug in Windows 10’s Latest Update Is Deleting Files, Back Up Your Data Now

Verizon Lays Off 44,000, Transfers 2,500 More IT Jobs To Indian Outsourcer Infosys

Rep. Khanna Releases Internet Bill of Rights - Would restore net neutrality rules, require opt in for personal info use

Privacy Badger Now Fights More Sneaky Google Tracking

Facebook is battling an internal revolt after one of its execs went to the Kavanaugh hearing