
Apple's Tim Cook: 'Don't believe' tech companies that say they need your data

California Bans Anonymous Bots

Why feds can’t block California’s net neutrality bill

A $15 Minimum Wage Is Good, But Amazon Workers Still Need a Union - Amazon workers need a way to fight for themselves, not conveniently-timed concessions.

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Half of U.S. Uber drivers make less than $10 an hour after vehicle expenses, according to a new study - They would make more at an Amazon warehouse.

Wikipedia picture of the day on October 3, 2018: View at dusk of...

We need a cyber arms control treaty to keep hospitals and power grids safe from hackers - A fresh diplomatic push could help put vital public services off limits to nation-state cyberattacks.

Netflix Eats Up 15% of All Internet Downstream Traffic Worldwide (Study)

More than 9 million broken links on Wikipedia are now rescued

Wikipedia Editors: Breitbart 'Should Not Be Used, Ever' as a Reference for Facts - Alex Jones' InfoWars and the far-right media outlet Breitbart can’t be used as a source of fact in Wikipedia articles anymore, “due to its unreliability.”