
SEC settles charges with Tesla's Elon Musk, will remain as CEO

Elon Musk is stepping down as chairman.

Wikipedia picture of the day on September 30, 2018: Purana...

Why should anybody trust Facebook with their personal data?

Tim Berners-Lee launches open source project Solid to decentralize the web and place users in control of data

Exposing Cambridge Analytica: 'It's been exhausting, exhilarating, and slightly terrifying' - Observer reporter Carole Cadwalladr on her investigation into the firm at the centre of a data breach that shamed Facebook and exposed foul play in the EU referendum campaign and US presidential election

FBI: We can’t listen to Facebook Messenger voice calls. Judge: Tough luck - Fresno-based federal judge won't force Facebook to help MS-13 investigation.

Poor Mr Anus, the council candidate given a bum deal by Facebook - A local election candidate in Belgium has been forced to change his name by the social network on the grounds that it is ‘offensive and inappropriate’.

DuckDuckGo Traffic is Exploding

Facebook hack gets worse as company admits Instagram and other apps were exposed too

US mid-terms: Hackers expose 'staggering' voter machine flaws