
New video by The King of Random on YouTube

FCC Seeks to Strip Broadband Oversight, Net Neutrality Authority from Local Governments

Hurricane Florence crippled electricity and coal - solar and wind were back the next day

Pinned to Pic of The Day on Pinterest

You Gave Facebook Your Number For Security. They Used It For Ads.

Researchers: 11-year-old flaw in vote scanner still unfixed. The vote-counting machine is used in 23 U.S states

Elon Musk Is Sued by Securities and Exchange Commission: Docket

Wikipedia picture of the day on September 28, 2018: Citroën 2CV...

CBS Shuts Down Stage 9, a Fan-Made Recreation of the USS Enterprise

Trump's tariffs on Chinese goods to affect some AMD and Nvidia gaming graphics cards

Yes Facebook is using your 2FA phone number to target you with ads