
"Control was handed over to the algorithm, which is managing cooling at several data centers all by itself. It's the first time an autonomous industrial control system deployed at this scale, showing potential for reinforcement learning AI to manage infrastructure in collaboration w/ humans."

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Instagram Founders’ Exit Means No One to Challenge Zuckerberg

Google and Microsoft continue to unfairly push their browsers, says Vivaldi founder. "We need to change our identity when visiting many Google services. I guess my feeling is that those large companies should not -- and should not need to -- behave this way."

'Epidural stimulation' is helping paralyzed spinal patients walk again

Google’s censored search engine for China is sparking a moral crisis within the company - The company is reportedly cracking down on employees who are sharing details about it.

Chinese police forcing whole cities to install a spyware app

PlayStation backs down in Fortnite cross-play row. Sony will begin to let PS4 gamers play against those using other consoles after pressure from fans.

Jeff Sessions Couldn’t Get State AGs to Back His Campaign Against Tech

Facebook has a talent drain problem, says management guru Jeffrey Sonnenfeld: "where the sense of courage and creativity seems to be displaced with something that has a lot more to do with ambition and arrogance."

Google to allow Chrome users to disable controversial login feature following complaints