
IBM Is Being Sued for Age Discrimination After Firing Thousands

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Canada top court rules Hollywood must pay to chase alleged internet pirates

Wikipedia picture of the day on September 18, 2018: Bas-reliefs...

Microsoft backs off from Windows 10 ‘warning’ about Chrome and Firefox

ProtonMail Hits 5 Million Accounts and Wants Users to Ditch Google by 2021

Ajit Pai calls California’s net neutrality rules “illegal”

Ajit Pai calls California’s net neutrality rules “illegal” - California senator replies: The rules are "necessary and legal because Chairman Pai abdicated his responsibility to ensure an open Internet"

Google admits changing phone settings remotely. The firm apologises after an "experiment" activates settings remotely on some Android phones

Senator claps back after Ajit Pai calls California’s net neutrality bill ‘radical’ and ‘illegal’

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