
Why PayPal’s crackdown on ASMR creators should worry you

Millions of smart tvs may soon be forced to admit to viewers that they spied on them, and then sold their data.

Google’s prototype Chinese search engine reportedly links searches to phone numbers

Australians told to call hotels, rather than rely on booking sites, for cheaper rates - Competition watchdog says if people phone hotels directly there’s a ‘very good chance’ they will get a better price

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Scott Wiener Paints Ajit Pai as Telecom Shill as California Net Neutrality Fight Escalates

Apple’s unsafe Mac App Store is simply inexcusable

Future versions of Firefox will automatically block tracking codes placed by third parties and advertisers

Pinned to Pic of The Day on Pinterest

The Game is Rigged: Congress Invites No Consumer Privacy Advocates to its Consumer Privacy Hearing

If Jeff Bezos wants to help low-income people why not just pay them better?