
EU approves controversial internet copyright law, including ‘link tax’ and ‘upload filter’

Farmer Lobbying Group Sells Out Farmers, Helps Enshrine John Deere's Tractor Repair Monopoly - The California Farm Bureau has agreed to a toothless version of "right to repair" that was written by tractor manufacturers.

It’s Time For California to Finally Give Internet Access to Youth In Detention and Foster Care

Facebook punishes liberal news site after fact check by right-wing site

Lyft commits to 100% renewable energy, full carbon neutrality

Ajit Pai doubles down on stance that states can’t enact net neutrality rules - FCC argues it can (and does) preempt state net neutrality regulations.

Wikipedia picture of the day on September 12, 2018: European...

Facebook has permitted political ads featuring fake news, conspiracy theories and bigotry

New research shows that, post net neutrality, internet providers are slowing down your streaming

EA reportedly under criminal investigation in Belgium due to FIFA's loot boxes

The Military Now Has Tooth Mics For Invisible, Hands-Free Radio Calls