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1 in 4 Americans Really Have Deleted Facebook's App, Pew Study Finds

Pew Study Finds 44 Percent Facebook Users 18-29 Deleted App from Phones in Past Year

Wikipedia picture of the day on September 6, 2018: Exemplar of a...

‘The FCC Chair Is Outright Lying to Reporters and Congress’

US triples energy storage installations, residential grows 10X to become largest sector

44 Percent of Americans 18-27 Have Deleted the Facebook App This Year, Poll Finds - A new study shows that young people are moving away from the Facebook app and, at the very least, are changing their privacy settings.

Elon Musk confirms he will appear on Joe Rogan's Podcast this Thursday at 9:30PM

Your Phone Is Listening and it's Not Paranoia - Here's how I got to bottom of the ads-coinciding-with-conversations mystery.

Bernie Sanders Introduces 'Stop BEZOS Act' to End Corporate Welfare to Amazon, Walmart

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