
Russia to stop flying U.S. astronauts to the International Space Station in April, increasing pressure on NASA

US and UK governments call for mandatory backdoors in encrypted chat

The Ocean Cleanup Is Starting, Aims To Cut Garbage Patch By 90% By 2040 - The Ocean Cleanup, an effort that's been five years in the making, plans to launch its beta cleanup system, a 600-meter (almost 2,000-foot) long floater that can collect about five tons of ocean plastic per month.

Scammers are tricking people out of enormous payments as they're about to close on a house - Buyers are tricked into wiring their downpayment on the day of closing to a fraudulent offshore account, often by criminals who have spoofed or co-opted their real estate professional's email account.

How a Twitter account convinced 4,000 companies to stop advertising on Breitbart

Google: Sorry professor, old Beethoven recordings on YouTube are copyrighted

France has banned all children under 15 from using their phones in school

California's response to record wildfires: shift to 100% clean energy - California’s Democratic leaders are determined to fight the climate change that’s ravaging their state

Defend encryption in Australia - Digital Rights Watch

Cheese danish shipping, warrantless GPS trackers, and a border doctrine challenge - Judge to feds: No, you can’t warrantlessly put a GPS device on truck entering US.

DUI arrests cut in half since ride-sharing began in Louisville - Louisville police made nearly 2,700 DUI arrests in 2013, the last full year before Uber and Lyft began operating here. But those citations began to fall the next year and have been below 1,400 each of the last two years.