
Hollywood Studios Flag Their IMDb Listings as "Pirate" Links

Huawei makes its first smart speaker, doubles as 4G router. Because they could.

The memoir by Steve Jobs' daughter makes clear he was a truly rotten person whose bad behavior was repeatedly enabled by those around him

The evidence is mounting that Apple's next big product will be a pair of computer glasses

Wikipedia picture of the day on September 3, 2018: Pied-winged...

The politics of angst in Robot City, USA: Toledo has more robots per worker than any other US city. They’re producing a healthy economy—and lots of anxiety.

China's 'Silk Road' project runs into debt jam

Printing with Sound: Researchers use acoustic forces to print droplets that couldn't be printed before

Microwave Weapons Are Prime Suspect in Ills of U.S. Embassy Workers

Microsoft is redesigning Skype once again and killing its Snapchat-like feature - Microsoft has to win back consumer trust

California Net Neutrality Bill Heads to Governor’s Desk