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Logged off: meet the teens who refuse to use social media. Generation Z has grown up online – so why are a surprising number suddenly turning their backs on Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat?

NYC Mesh – community-owned network to replace your current internet connection

After court order, 3D-printed gun pioneer starts selling CAD files

Comcast/Xfinity is injecting 594 lines of code into every non-HTTPS pages I request online to show me a popup

When ISPs Tell Seniors Net Neutrality Laws Will Increase Their Bills, They’re Lying and Losing

Verizon throttling could trigger FTC investigation of deceptive practices

Groups backed by Facebook, Alphabet, Amazon push for return of net neutrality rules - This comes after 22 states and the District of Columbia filed a similar brief last week.

Trump warns Google, Facebook, Twitter: 'Better be careful' about political bias

Ajit Pai killed net neutrality but still wants you to love the FCC

“They're liquidating us”: AT&T continues layoffs and outsourcing despite profits. The communications giant is expecting a windfall of $20bn in savings from Trump’s tax reforms, but has closed 44 call centers since 2011.