
This video game knows when you're scared — and it wants to use that against you

Amazon hired an army of employees to say nice things about it on Twitter, and it shows how big its reputation problem has gotten

Why Facebook is powerless to stop its own descent: People are engaging far less on the world's largest social network, and trust in the company has plummeted.

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Facebook is rating the trustworthiness of its users on a scale from zero to 1

Solving Spectre and Meltdown may ultimately require an entirely new type of processor

Wikipedia picture of the day on August 27, 2018: Avro Vulcan...

The memoir by Steve Jobs' daughter makes clear he was a truly rotten person whose bad behavior was repeatedly enabled by those around him

Thousands of Uber drivers set to get $75, before lawyers’ fees, in settlement - Dulberg v. Uber, filed in 2017, argued that drivers weren't paid properly.

TorrentFreak is Blocked as a Pirate Site and Hacking Resource

Chap asks Facebook for data on his web activity, Facebook says no, now watchdog's on the case