
Thousands of Amazon workers receive food stamps. Now Bernie Sanders wants Amazon to pay up.

Google France shuts down its Google+ page, asks users to follow it on Twitter and Facebook instead

Amazon warehouse staff defend retailer on Twitter - A small group of American Amazon employees is being paid to defend and promote the company on Twitter.

Verizon and AT&T have a last ditch plan to kill the California net neutrality bill

Volunteers found Iran's propaganda effort on Reddit — but their warnings were ignored. More than a year before the announcement from Facebook and Twitter, a group of moderators on Reddit noticed a peculiar pattern of submissions.

The Supreme Court Should Say No to Patents that Take Old Ideas away from the Public

NASA Chief Wants to Send Humans to the Moon — 'To Stay'

You Could Be Kicked Offline For Piracy If This Music Industry Lawsuit Succeeds

Just how rigged is America's broadband world? A deep dive into one US city reveals all - TL;DR? It sucks

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Spyware Company Leaves ‘Terabytes’ of Selfies, Text Messages, and Location Data Exposed Online